OWW & National Gallery (London)
Unilateral Collaboration*
*The National Gallery (London) did not get back to us, so we’re not sure if we should thank them for including their collection and architecture. But just in case, thank you!
…the sincerest form of flattery
Today marks an historic occasion for the art world, online games and the Metaverse.
We - Occupy White Walls (OWW) - have added almost the entire collection of the National Gallery (London) into the game: more than 2,300 masterpieces, including the 58% that are not on display in the physical gallery. We’ve also created a 3D homage to some of the NGL’s iconic interior and exterior architecture.
Players can mix and match these elements to create and curate their own virtual NGLs. You don’t even need to be familiar with the NGL’s artworks. OWW’s ground-breaking AI, DAISY, will help you discover those that resonate with you, even if you’ve never heard of them before. Best of all? Everything is totally free.
Go on, give it a go.
Follow the white rabbit
Today, the NGL becomes the first collection in history to fully transcend the limitations of physical reality - being able to show only as many artworks as will fit its wall space. This is a huge issue for all major collections. Most can show only a tiny fraction of the treasures in their vaults. In fact, the NGL displays far more of its collection (42%) than most major museums and galleries.
An even bigger issue is that visiting a physical museum or gallery involves time, effort and money, and is impossible for many people (even without a lockdown). With OWW, you can visit the NGL (and remix it!) without leaving your home – whether it’s in Camden, Canterbury, or Kolkata – vastly increasing the NGL's global footprint. You can also create as many virtual copies of the NGL as you like, many more than the one single ‘authentic’ physical one.
Why did we do it?
Firstly, we love the NGL. We’re based in London and it’s a favourite haunt of many of the team.
Secondly, our mission is to enable people everywhere to experience art on their own terms, reflecting their own individuality. We envisage a world where - Just as today most people have personal music, film and games collections, we envisage a world where they’ll also have an art collection – even if they aren’t Oligarchs. This is just the next step of our journey.
“Condense fact from the vapour of nuance”
The art world’s key ingredient is, of course, artists. They’re also a big part of our vision for OWW.
No matter how big or small, famous or obscure, alive or long dead, artists deserve better: to be promoted intelligently, with the help of cutting-edge AI; to be able to connect with fans, however rich or poor, anywhere in the world; to be celebrated.
The commercial art market fails most artists. We want to fix this.
You too, can join the Artiverse and upload your art, click here
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