To say it’s a PC sandbox-building, AI-driven MMO where people play with Art, developed by folks who really love architecture and abstract characters… would be a bit of a mouthful.
We could have named it ‘World of curation craft’, or ‘Clash of artistically and architecturally curious people’ but we chose Occupy White Walls.
OWW for short.
Pronounced as Owouawwouaw.
At a glance, it includes:
An escaped, sentient, and Art-loving Artificial Intelligence
2,999.7 and counting architectural assets to build the place of your dreams.
Automatons, mannequins, and avatars
Over 16,000 artworks and counting
Tons of 19th-century art
Tons of 18th-century art and so on
Some cool contemporary art too
As seen on TV (in Germany)*
Future award for the best art game ever made*
OWW is now shaking up everything you thought you knew about the world of art.
The game is live on Steam in early access and is ideal for individuals who have the courage, the audacity, the vision … or who just clicked our Ad.
Early Access means that the game is mostly stable but under heavy development.
Are you Alpha?
Click here to play now. *
* Download at your peril, unless you want:
a completely finished game.
to dictate other people's taste
to be an ‘Art Market’ type. We can never be friends; it’s not us, it’s you … and us
to shoot things
to be an AI construct - I guess that would rip off the fabric of all realities.
If any of the above apply, take your chance and leave now. You were warned.
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we promise never to spam you or sell your details, you can always unsubscribe easily.
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Artists are a big part of our vision for OWW.
No matter big or small, famous, or obscure, up and coming or dead for centuries, artists deserve better.
They should have a fair opportunity, be promoted intelligently (with the help of cutting-edge AI), they should be able to connect with fans, no matter how rich or poor. Artists should be celebrated.
The ‘art market’ 'zero-sum game' mentality fails most artists, we want to fix this for the better.
Click here to find out how you and your works can play a part in OWW and grow together.

Design your own art space with modular architectural blocks, with over 2,300 stunning architectural assets and thousands more ‘under construction’. You will be able to create spaces of any kind ... mostly. Do you want Hermitage, PS1 or Trump tower? We have it.
As Kevin Costner almost said, If you build it they will come. If no-one’s there to see your art space, does it really exist? Hmm. Ponder that.

Once you’ve built it, fill it. Your aesthetics, your interests even your art. Curate your own collection from thousands of artworks, from the old masters to faeces on canvas. Learn, explore and comment on art. You will find art you didn’t know you’ll love and a new generation of artists will find the audience they deserve.
Don’t know anything about art? No matter. Our Radical Art Discovery AI - (DAISY) learns your taste in art and helps you find art you’ll love, and keep you away from stuff you’ll loathe.
The science bit:
Clever this, you don’t actually have to do anything for DAISY to work her magic - just look at art that interests you, don’t look at art that doesn't and voila! You will soon start seeing lots of awesome art - selected just for you, not by some ‘art world’ type who knows better, but by your new art BFF who just happens to be a sentient machine. It’s not just you, every player in OWW helps train the AI to make better recommendations for everyone else.
If we’d been to Harvard business school we’d call that a ‘win-win’. We prefer a ‘Napster moment’.

'Early access' is where it all begins, tens of thousands brave souls, charting uncharted territory, discovering the undiscoverable and playing with the unplayable… Art.
The golden horde was there on day one, there were bugs and frustration, sweat and tears, but we will listened to your ideas, and now everyone can have a meaningful impact on the future of OWW.
Were you visiting your friends in Finland during May’68? Camping in Belgium during the moon landing? Sleeping during the solar eclipse? Bought a new computer to avoid Y2K?
Not this time.

OWW is the people, play with others, make new friends (or enemies if that’s your thing), be who you aren’t, find the perfect avatar that looks nothing like the real you, be free.
Show the things you love, bathe in plaudits for your creative genius, scythe others’ efforts down with Wildeian critiques. In short, a game for grown ups.

The ‘Art Market’ is already cynical, patronising, unethical, and geared for the very-very-rich, we don’t see a point in making an online ‘Art fantasy land’ like that too.
OWW is as far away as possible from ‘social casino’ and ‘Pay-to-win’. No matter how poor you are, if you are creative (you are), opinionated (that too) and enthusiastic, you’ll do great in OWW.
Fair-to-Play means that OWW has no loot boxes.