Welcome to the first of our monthly contest series. Each contest will offer a unique opportunity to win a special in-game mask of your choice (see below) along with other cool rewards.
To kick off our new series we are offering 5 players/artists a special reward of either a DLC or FIVE upload codes that can be gifted or used for your own artworks.
Create a gallery no larger than 4x4x4 expansions centered around your favorite artist.
Winners will be chosen based on the originality and creativity of the gallery
Entries open Oct 1st - Oct 22nd
Winners will be chosen by Oct 31st
5 winners will receive;
Either 5 upload codes or our soundtrack DLC
2 million cubes
Your gallery featured in the new teleport menu (terms apply)
A choice of one of six special masks (can you collect them all?)

All entries must be submitted by midnight EST on Oct 22nd.
Entries must be entirely made in-game.
You may enter one time.
Galleries should be available until the end of November
Art uploads must follow our upload guidelines
How to enter
Email DAISY@oww.io with the following information
Gallery name
Any additional information or captions
Post on social media and tag us your entry with one of the following tags and state '#October' and your gallery name.
Twitter - @whatisoww
Instagram - @whatisoww
Facebook @OccupyWhitewalls