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OWW connects you to new audiences you wouldn't have reached, allowing you to sell your artworks in-game and in real life.

Upload YOUR ART in 3 easy steps

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Great art opens minds.
Trouble is, so much of it is behind closed doors. Or in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Never connecting with its true audience. OWW has the power to place your art in front of the right eyes - better than any website or art platform ever could.


On a basic level, OWW is a game. Tens of thousands of players create galleries and display art they like. (We say galleries, we mean incredibly imaginative, surreal art spaces that could never exist in the real world.) Which is pretty amazing in itself.

But here’s the really clever bit. Once players begin to choose art, our AI (DAISY) works her magic and guides them to the art that they are most likely to love (kinda like how Spotify recommends music). Once they’ve chosen art they like, other players are invited to come and view it. Which means more of the right kind of eyes on the right kind of art. A bit like a dating site where you never swipe left.



How artists promote themselves

#Hashtags and ‘shouting into the void’

Focus of the AI

Sell ads

How artworks are displayed

Tiny, low res squares in a busy environment, often seen for a single second. Competing for space with ads and fake news.

Your art is displayed next to

‘Influencers’, fake news and advertising, also like to censor ‘nudity’

Who keeps the rights


Commission from real-world sales?


Old school gallery

How artists promote themselves

Tipsy networking at a private view (which can be fun!)

Focus of the AI

What AI??

How artworks are displayed

In a space tucked away in Soho, hoping the right person will stand in the 1 square meter in front of the work

Your art is displayed next to

‘The invisible hand’ whatever the ‘art market’ decided

Who keeps the rights

Unscrupulous dealer?

Commission from real-world sales?




How artists promote themselves

Don't need to do anything special, their work is promoted intelligently   though cutting edge AI, to an open minded enthusiastic player community

Focus of the AI

Promotes artists intelligently

How artworks are displayed

Real world size with the ability to zoom in on details. Players can comment on artworks, click on links, find more works, share, KULTURA

Your art is displayed next to

Your other works, the occasional Degas or Malevich if you’d like. Each artwork is displayed in an inspired players’ gallery - often in thousands of galleries

Who keeps the rights

The artist!

Commission from real-world sales?

What is commission? (none)

The ‘M’ word.
Pay only $9 USD per artwork uploaded to OWW/KULTURA. It’s a one-off payment, no monthly fees. Once your artwork is in, it’s in. The price means we’re able to continually update the game and AI engine, ensuring the best possible experience for everyone. While we would never censor any artwork in the game (OWW is 18+ rated), the price also deters those that are well, let’s say, less well-intended. The internet doesn’t need any more dic-pics.
Your true audience is waiting. 

So, what are you waiting for? Head over to KULTURA, upload some amazing art and unlock your potential to connect with people who will appreciate your art.
You deserve it. They deserve it!

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